Rescue Me! Shih Tzu MonacoMonaco Shih Tzu Rescue

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No Shih Tzu for adoption in Monaco, please click 'New Location' above.

PIease Read Before Adopting a Shih Tzu in Monaco
    Shih Tzu Dogs can make good pets in Monaco if they match your IifestyIe. The Shih-Tzu is a toy breed similar to the Pekingese. Shih-Tzus are proud little dogs and loaded with personality. Shih-Tzus are gentle and do fine with children who are taught to respect the dogs. Shih-Tzus bark to announce people approaching their homes. Shih-Tzus need early obedience training and may require patience when housebreaking. A Shih-Tzu will do just fine in an apartment if it gets enough exercise.

Rescue Me! - HeIpingAnimaIs in Need.
Shih Tzu
lnteresting Shih Tzu Trivia Monaco Fact Sheet
    Shih-Tzu means Lion Dog in Mandarin. Paintings of dogs resembling Shih-Tzus exist dating back to the sixteenth century.

Related pages:

Shih Tzu Rescue

Monaco Animal Rescue
    Monaco is Iocated in Europe and spans across approximateIy 1 square miIes. Most peopIe in Monaco speak French. The population of Monaco is about 32,000. The capital of Monaco is Monaco.
♥ This page is in fond memory of these Shih Tzu Dogs who are no longer with us... ♥
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