Rescue Me! Shih Tzu Shih Tzu Blog

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1,349,420 animals have been adopted on Rescue Me!

Letters below were sent to founder Jeff Gold from people helped by Rescue Me!

Sender: Barbara Caracci     Date: September 20, 2018 _
     Doksy was adopted by a wonderful family. I feel so blessed to have found him a loving home. Rescue Me is instrumental in that process. I continue to get calls in interested parties. Thank you!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Karen Williams     Date: September 5, 2018 _
     Thank you so very much, my dog Lucy was rescued by a wonderful family. I could not have asked for a better outcome for her! Although I cried all day long after giving her up, Rescue Me was such a great alternative for her because I just could not keep putting my grandchildren at risk! She has been given a second chance with such a sweet family, she better behave now and appreciate this gift. Thank you so much for this great project and resource!

Sender: Tina Asbury     Date: July 21, 2018 _
     Very happy with Rescue Me! You've saved serveral furbabies so far!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue

Sender: Ron Crouch     Date: July 20, 2018 _
     My thanks to Jeff and everyone at Rescue Me! Charlie went to not only a great home, but I feel the perfect home and new owners thanks to this great organization. I found great success with this service and I hope that everyone else does as well. If you could make half the connection that I made with this dog you'll be doing great. It was a super win-win. Thanks, Rescue Me!

Sender: Anne Javanainen     Date: July 17, 2018 _
     I got so many responses that I had to take her off Rescue Me! Thank you so much! Unbelievable. I didn't expect any responses. I have tried to answer for everyone. I have first people coming to see her today. I definitely want to meet the new owner! I only accept a' perfect' owner. So many people seem really and truly love Shih-Tzus. It will be a hard job to give Pipsa away: As you can imagine my husband and I are already deeply in love with her. I will be posting on your site for everybody! I wish continuing success and blessings!

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Sender: Joan Wright     Date: July 14, 2018 _
     Jojo received twenty five inquiries in a day and a half. I feel I found her the perfect home. Rescue Me is very user friendly to use, and I was very pleased with the whole experience. Such a wonderful service if the need for re-homing a pet happens.

Sender: Delana Yeager     Date: July 3, 2018 _
     I thank Rescue Me for another precious dog to find her great home so great full and happy.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Robert Gilliland     Date: May 17, 2018 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me, for this valuable website which allowed me to successfully find a wonderful home for my deceased brothers Shih Tzu. I met and spoke to numerous pet lovers. I can rest assured that Buddy has a new family that will continue the love and care for him as he has always known. As the numbers speak for themselves, you have helped many animals to continue to thrive and stay out of harms way.

Sender: Joe Shepherd     Date: May 5, 2018 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me! We received an e-mail about Tyson asking for someone to recue him. We have three other Shih Tzu dogs that we have rescued. We were interested in other pets, but when we e-mailed about them, we never heard anything. When we saw Tyson, we called the number on the list and talked with Tena. During our visit, we mentioned that we have a rescue pet from a puppy mill and she needs another pal to play with her. After a few minutes Tena told us that she would be happy to let us adopt Tyson. Tyson has fit right into our home and he plays with both Lily and Charlie. Tena and Don told us that Tyson would not sleep in our bed but he would sleep on their clothes. Tyson sleeps between us and doesn't move all night long. We love him dearly. He is a true delight to have in our home.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue

Sender: Jan Biggers     Date: March 25, 2018 _
     Sammy found a loving home with another Shih Tzu and a lovely family. I'm confident that he found a good home. The site was easy to use and l got responses almost immediately. I highly recommend Rescue Me!

Sender: Patricia Chambers     Date: March 16, 2018 _
     Rescue Me helped us to connect with a loving family for Maddie. I want to say thank you to this network of people who have been so sweet and ready to help and provide love and assistance with rescue! Amazing!

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Sender: Donna Krek     Date: March 9, 2018 _
     Thanks, Rescue Me! I haven't had a dog for years. It was just to hard after we lost our last one. I decided to stop being selfish and adopted Yoshi. He is such a joy. We're in love again. He is so well behaved. Thanks go to Tina, who we adopted from.

Sender: Jeffrey Hallman     Date: March 9, 2018 _
     Rescue Me has help us find great homes for hundreds of dogs that would have been euthanized without our help, and the help from CNH Rescue. We thank them and the wonderful families that has helped save theses dogs. This site finds homes for more than any other site we are on.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Annie Pritchard     Date: March 6, 2018 _
     We are very happy to be the new parents to Molly and Sam. They have been with us for three days and we are all adjusting. Thanks, Rescue Me!

Sender: Charles Havens     Date: March 5, 2018 _
     I had a call from a family who wanted to adopt our dog. They came to my home and pick her up. Seemed to be a lovely family who immediately fell in love with Jewel. Thanks for your help, Rescue Me

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue

Sender: Patricia Welch     Date: March 1, 2018 _
     I adopted Sadie and she is so sweet!!! A little skittish at first, but is warming up nicely. I am a senior and I wanted a senior dog. I didn't think it was fair to a puppy to adopt a young dog. Sadie and I seem to be a great fit for each other. With lots of love, attention and a little training we're gonna get along just great. Yes, you can teach an old dog new things. It may take a little more time but is possible. Thank you, Rescue Me, for your site and providing it. I am looking forward to Sadie and I spending our remaining years together, loving, playing, and laughing. Thank you so much!! -Patricia and Sadie

Sender: James Ashburn     Date: February 12, 2018 _
     Posted our dogs last night and this morning a great couple came by and picked both Gizmo and Ginger up. The two dogs took to them like glue. They will be happy and that is all we could ask for. Rescue Me is a great site to use!

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Sender: Barbara Love     Date: February 10, 2018 _
     I submitted a post to find a good home for Emmie, our little Shihtzu on Wednesday, and by Thursday, a new home was found. Rescue Me was easy to navigate. I am so glad I found you. I will definitely recommend to others.

Sender: Randi Brown     Date: December 19, 2017 _
     Buddy and Dodie were adopted together to the most amazing furever home I could have imagined! Thanks to this website, a family that loves senior Shih Tzus took in these two and I just know they are the perfect fit. The new Mom, Dad and Grandma came to pick them up and Dodie and Buddy went to their new home Saturday after a stop at the groomer's. They were snuggled into their new dog beds with new toys. I explained to the new family (at our first meet and greet) just who my grandparents were and how Buddy and Dodie lived for the first 14 years of life. In their honor, middle names were added to each: Dodie Jayne (my Grandma's name) and Buddy James (Grandpa's name). God bless Rescue Me and God bless Traci and Brian (new Mom and Dad). Thank you all who inquired and prayed for these senior babies.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Randi Brown     Date: December 4, 2017 _
     Great News! Dodie and Buddy have been adopted. We found a lovely family through this website and I am super pleased with the union. These two sweethearts could not go to a better home. Thank you for all the interest... And thank you, Rescue Me!

Sender: Andrea Rundell     Date: October 29, 2017 _
     We were lucky enough to adopt 11 year old Roxie this fall. I was surprised at how fast we found her through Rescue Me. I was expecting a couple of months. We were in contact with her then-family within days of reaching out to them. She is sweet and very well-behaved, and gets along great with my other senior adoptee, Daisy!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue

Sender: Lydia Guerra     Date: October 3, 2017 _
     I had so many responses from Rescue Me. I am so blessed that I found and signed up. I want to thank you so very much and may God bless this organization always for the awesome assistance it provides for all fur babies. I will definitely keep this site in mind for any future rescues or needs. Again, thank you and God bless.

Sender: Rhonda Wilson     Date: August 16, 2017 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me! Bindi got a beautiful new home things to you guys!!

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue

Sender: Jeff Moran     Date: August 6, 2017 _
     I have been looking at several rescue sites daily for just the right dog. A couple of days ago I received an email alerting me that this little guy was up for adoption. I wanted a dog that was considered young but was housebroken. When I read the information I knew this would be a perfect match. I have exchanged emails and talked to Bandit's owner. She was very forthcoming with information about Bandit and I think we both feel it will be a great fit. Getting close to retirement and looking forward to long walks and naps in the sunshine together. Rescue Me was easy to use and has hooked me up with a new family member. It's been an awesome experience. Thank you.

Sender: Patti Morris     Date: August 2, 2017 _
     Little Oreo was rescued from a high kill shelter in Texas, as she would have been going to the EU list for having cataracts and her age which was eight years old. I took her under my wing with help from my rescue buds in Texas to come find a perfect forever home, I did have many contact me about her and one came and she did not really like them too much it seems. The second screened person wanted Oreo to come live with their senior mother. I always thought she was owned by a senior and I was right! She ran to her, and she picked her right up and held her. Oreo was feeling very secure. Her daughter has two kids and a husband and another Shih Tzu that is nine years old. They loved her and she loved them. You know dogs do pick their new owners very wisely. Oreo is such a love. Thanks, Rescue Me, for this awesome site.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Denise Kugler     Date: July 17, 2017 _
     I posted my Shih Tzu last night and this morning a family adopted her. I love Rescue Me!

Sender: Valerie K     Date: July 10, 2017 _
     It has been a year since I lost my baby. This little guy's picture just touched my heart. This website is a great way to rescue. The owner was very responsive and willing to answer all my questions via email. He will be home in two days. The Rescue Me process was quick and easy. I have rescued in the past, but I would say this process was less demanding.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue

Sender: Pamela Palmer     Date: July 7, 2017 _
     So grateful that my dog Shorti was adopted very shortly after my post on this site. Thank you for making it possible, Rescue Me!

Sender: Jane Nedley     Date: July 4, 2017 _
     Thanks to Rescue Me, we found a forever home for the Shih Tzu that found us! We obtained vet references and were able to certify that the interested adopter was a responsible pet owner. We are confident our little stray will be safe and happy. Thanks to all who expressed an interest.

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Sender: Anthony Serrato     Date: July 3, 2017 _
     Richie has found a new home! Thank you, Rescue Me.

Sender: Kimberly Mitchell     Date: June 2, 2017 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me! Little George Got his forever home today, His new mommy loves him already.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Renee Feagans     Date: May 26, 2017 _
     We were blessed with finding a perfect home for Gizmo, thanks to Rescue Me. Gizmo will not be leaving us for at least another ten days, his neuter, vet check, and immunizations will be brought up to date. Once that has been completed, he will be on his way. Meantime, I am sharing pictures and videos with his new family.

Sender: Julie Haynes     Date: May 18, 2017 _
     I am so thankful for Rescue Me! My Shih Tzu was given to me as a gift (I know!) from my mother-in-law and I didn't feel like I could say no and upset her. I tried for years to make the situation work for my dog, but my long work hours and circumstances did not lend well to his needs. After a few more life events I felt like he really needed a home where he got the attention he deserves. It wasn't an easy thing to do, but I talked to someone who suggested trying a rescue and I am so glad I did. It's only been a week since his adoption, but he now has a girlfriend (female Shih Tzu) and a home where they know, love, and are prepared for the needs of a Shih Tzu. I also had a lot of other calls from people who I think would also have given him a good home. The site is easy to use and just what we needed.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue

Sender: Megan Mihelich     Date: April 25, 2017 _
     My boyfriend and I adopted Jax last Thursday and couldn't be happier. He is such an amazing little guy and a quick learner! We were told he was believed to be a Shih Tzu mix however, we are definitely seeing some Shepard in him. When we first met him and took him home, he seemed to have a lot of dandruff. However, he had his first vet appointment today and it turns out he actually has two skin infections; a mite infection known as Demodex as well as a secondary bacterial skin infection. The mite infection is not contagious and he has been given antibiotics to resolve. Even after his vet appointment and all the poking and prodding, he is back home, running around and playing like the happy puppy his is. We are so grateful and happy we were chosen to adopt him and could not have asked for a better choice. Thanks, Rescue Me!

Sender: Phyllis Engle     Date: April 19, 2017 _
     Jasper has been adopted by a family very quickly. I never know about Rescue Me! I have told my friends about it if looking for an animal.

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Sender: Chastity Taylor     Date: March 15, 2017 _
     I posted Rocky on Rescue Me for a friend and he found his forever home with a perfect couple that is thrilled to have him. He is the star of the show now and couldn't be happier!

Sender: Sylvia Camburn     Date: March 9, 2017 _
     We found our new dog Duffy from your website after a couple of failures locally. We finally adopted Duffy this where he was transported by volunteers. He is an adorable baby and we are happy with him so far. His story was a tearjerker, from being lost in the woods to all the medical treatments required for a rescue, the six hour drive to meet us. The volunteers who participate on Rescue Me are to be commended for their dedication to the saving of every possible animal. We are grateful.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Beatriz Carrillo-Ponce     Date: February 8, 2017 _
     It was a sad decision to have to put Leo up for adoption after 11 years of being a member of our family, but then I found this website where I was able to post him. The good news is that an amazing family adopted him. Now Leo can give them the joy he gave us for so many years and he is getting a lot of love back. I don't know what other choices I would have had it not been for Rescue Me!

Sender: Tracie Mcbeth     Date: February 5, 2017 _
     A senior found her new Lucy McGee to love. I posted Lucy on Rescue Me, and within hours I was talking with her new owner. Lucy needed a loving senior to care for her because her owner could no longer meet her needs. Thank you Rescue Me!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue

Sender: Lana Folts     Date: February 4, 2017 _
     I want to thank Rescue Me for helping me find Dunkin a good home. I received many responses and will definitely use again and tell others. It's very hard to find support when you find a special needs dog. So very grateful!

Sender: Nancy Coker     Date: December 30, 2016 _
     Rescue Me is a great site. I have looked for over a year after my ten year old Shi Tzhu had been medically released. It was a hard to find the 'one'. I found seniors that needed to go comfortably and I can do that. She and I, we are thankful for this website.

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Sender: Lynnea Cottrell     Date: December 28, 2016 _
     I posted my female Shih Tzu for adoption on Rescue Me. After several inquiries from potential new homes, I was able to find the perfect home for her. She and her new family are very happy. Thank you, Jeff Gold, founder of Rescue Me!!

Sender: Lisa Oneal-Jenkins     Date: December 19, 2016 _
     Rescue Me made a very seamless and easy way for me to find a lovely family for our doll! Thanks!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Irene Finley     Date: November 10, 2016 _
     I posted Alfie's story late one evening. The first person who called early the next morning adopted him. Alfie's new human has excellent references and a resume perfect for this match. His human of three years since he was found wandering in California and the new human met and decided together what he needed and how each of them would help Alfie have the best plan forward. What I love about Rescue Me is the platform to find homes for dogs without the costs and some of the constraints of using other adoption services. Very good potential homes may not have the money to pay a breeder or even a shelter and still provide a wonderful home for a loving dog. Please use this site and by all means, give them a donation to keep it going!

Sender: Kathy Gray     Date: November 3, 2016 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me, for providing such a wonderful site for finding good homes for dogs. The folks who adopted Stella came to pick her up today. Her new Momma has MS so we didn't charge for her adoption as I am sure they have many medical expenses. They are lovely people and we are sure Stella will be happy at her new home. Thank you, Kathy!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue

Sender: Jackie Rodney     Date: October 22, 2016 _
     I found our adorable little Shih Tzu on Rescue Me! He has been with us for over a year now and I can't imagine life without this little bundle of joy! Thank you to Rescue Me for connecting me with him.

Sender: Patti Morris     Date: October 12, 2016 _
     Victoria came from a kill shelter. I had her pulled, and she just got here. We had her posted on Rescue Me and she found the best home ever with a very kind lady. The lady has been searching for a Shih Tzu, and her grandkids found Victoria on this site. She contacted me right away, it was a great fit for both. This dog was a matted mess! I had her groomed. She was such a good girl, even after being dumped by her former owner. Now she will be loved FOREVER and be happy. Thanks Debbie for adopting Victoria . Happy Tails to you Vicky!

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Sender: Kimberly West     Date: October 8, 2016 _
     Absolutely perfect situation. I'm thrilled to find Baby the perfect home through Rescue Me!

Sender: Michelle Mott     Date: October 7, 2016 _
     I am happy to say that not only did Kneesaa and Molly find a new home, but they found a wonderful home. The couple that took them were so perfect for my special little dogs, I couldn't have asked for a better home. I have been going through a difficult few years and as you know, Shihtzu's require a lot of care. I was unable to provide veterinary or grooming care to them and they were suffering because of it. Now they are together (mother and daughter), healthy and well groomed. They are loved and given more attention than my household had been able to in the last five years. The couple that took them even allowed my daughter and I a follow up visit to see how the dogs were doing after a month! They were GREAT! I am so thankful to Rescue Me for helping me find the perfect family for my loves. I miss them dearly... But I know they are well cared for and loved to the fullest! Thank you again Rescue Me! Sincerely, Michelle

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Katie Coleman     Date: October 5, 2016 _
     Winston was adopted by a wonderful couple who adored him as soon as they met him. He's going to be spoiled and loved for he rest of his days. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Sender: Carrie Koenig     Date: September 22, 2016 _
     I found a good home for my Shih Tzu using this site. I wanted someone with Shih Tzu experience, so this was a great place to post. I think we found a family who can give him the attention he deserves. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue

Sender: Twila Roe     Date: September 22, 2016 _
     Thank you Rescue Me for posting Corky on your website. It was great to know that there are many people that use this site, and I am very excited that Corky found a good home in less than a week. He will give unconditional love to his new family. I know my dad will be happy as well.

Sender: Heather Resina     Date: September 5, 2016 _
     This was a wonderfully helpful site. It was easy to navigate, very good at keeping me updated and informed, and worked quickly. Scruffy found a new home in less than 24 hours. He and the new owners are very happy together. I would instantly use Rescue Me again.

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Sender: Robyn Kevlin     Date: September 2, 2016 _
     We found Cooper on the road one afternoon, and managed to locate his owner, who no longer wanted him. He had been a present for the grandkids. They soon lost interest, and Cooper had been roaming the streets for the last 18 months. This poor guy was eaten up with fleas. He had stripped the hair off his back, hind end and belly because of the itching. He was thin and filthy. We took him straight to the vet, and learned that he was only two and a half years old. He just LOOKED old. We posted him on Rescue Me, and had a couple of emails within a day. Then a phone call from a professor at a local university resulted in an in-person visit. The prof and his wife paid for all of Cooper's vetting (a happy surprise!) and picked him up a few days later. Cooper will have a Scottie 'brother' and a farmette to play on. We hope to see pics of him, all healed up and happy!

Sender: Linda Gerardi     Date: August 31, 2016 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me! Although it took us time to find our next baby, we finally did working with Missy's Canine Haven. The team of ladies who rescue these babies are truly amazing. We love our little guy! We have only had him three days, he will be a member of our family for the rest of his life!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Ken Strohecker     Date: July 24, 2016 _
     I have to say very glad I found this web site. We had been looking to adopt a second Shih Tzu for our family. We had been watching and looking at local shelters and on Petfinder without much luck. May of the dogs were to far away. Found Rescue Me and right away we saw local dogs available, the first ones we reached out for was already being adopted, but I check again and found this cutie and we reached out and within a few days the foster mother let us know he was available and we drove down to met and bring him home. If we are ever looking again will check Rescue Me first.

Sender: Larry Monske     Date: July 17, 2016 _
     My adoption of 'Bandit' was much easier than I imagined it would be. My and Bandits savior, Nicole, posted him on Rescue Me. I got the alert the evening that Bandit was up for adoption because they had no where without dogs and kids. Bandit's owner died. The daughter drove him to their home, but the family was not able to blend him in. I contacted his adopted parents and said Ill drive across the state to rescue Bandit. I met his folks halfway across the state and it was an immediate success. He shows us his affection and he's happy as a clam. He whimpered once when Nicole and her husband left, but that was it. He was genuinely appreciated all the attention. Bandit's separation anxiety has not been evident. Now the weird side. My Shih Tzu died in Febuary; his name was Bandit same as my rescued furbaby. His Dad's name was Larry; he died a few weeks ago, My name is Larry I found Bandit the night the alert came up. Nicole the adopted Mom was very happy for Bandit. I caught up on my bills and was kind of broke till payday. I had enough to rescue this great little dog. He is very mannered and rather quiet, but he is playing. His forever home is here. I'm sure Nicole's Dad, Larry would approve. A true success story for this little dog!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue

Sender: Ladonna Terrell     Date: July 15, 2016 _
     My dog was on Rescue Me without a photo for almost a week with no real response. Two days after posting a photo, he was adopted by a young family who immediately took him to the groomer and contacted his vet. I am very happy for him and his new family. I was not able to give him the care he needed and deserved.

Sender: Raejon Makonnen     Date: July 9, 2016 _
     Rescue Me helped find Cooper an amazing family. He is surrounded by love from all sides due to going to a home with not only a new mom and dad, but with three siblings to keep him on his toes. I hated to let him go, however, knowing that he was going to a home that fit his personality so well, eased my spirit tremendously. This was made possible by Rescue Me!!!

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Sender: Sharil Smith     Date: July 9, 2016 _
     Tye was adopted by a Shih TZU rescue shelter. They will take care of all his medical and grooming needs. I was informed that many inquiries were made to adopt him. The rescue place will notify me when it happens. The experience of getting him recognized on Rescue Me was awesome. Everything happened within a week after I posted his information on this site. All of the inquiries were sincere and I know Tye is being well taken care of.

Sender: Kymberly Quinn     Date: June 26, 2016 _
     I feel happy that Harley has a good loving home and I know his new mommy will love him has much as I do. Thanks, Rescue Me!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Teresa Howie     Date: June 13, 2016 _
     I have truly been blessed. I was so worried about finding a place for my baby, Kofi. Because of his medical issue, I knew he could not travel with me next year. I didn't know what I was going to do, I just couldn't put him in a shelter, but yet I wanted to leave the area. I was in the process of moving to a new place for Kofi and me when, through Rescue Me, I met the best couple. They had a 16 year old dog they had adopted when he was ten and were willing to take Kofi. Kofi fell in love immediately with his new dad, I will admit I was just a bit jealous. While I was packing I decided to let Kofi spend a few days with his future family. I received photo after photo of Kofi going to brunch, Kofi at a cookout, Kofi eating on the deck and just having a really good time. I was moving to a condo in the heart of the city with no yard. It was clear to me that the family wanted to keep Kofi so I made the difficult decision to give him up now. I just received photos of Kofi and his brother Sherlock in a stroller listening to cellist play and later sleeping together. I feel like my dog has won the Lottery, I miss him so much, but he clearly is having the time of his life. I tell my friends I 'want to pull a Kofi' find people who want to do nothing but spoil me and give me a lot of love.

Sender: Nicole Boyd     Date: May 28, 2016 _
     Rescue Me was so helpful in finding a home for this sweet boy! I had numerous requests and found it difficult to choose! He was adopted by a rescue organization who planned to have him neutered before he goes to his forever home. I know this organization will take excellent care of him. Thank you so much for your service.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue

Sender: Nelda Golden     Date: May 23, 2016 _
     Three weeks after posting our two brothers, a gentleman contacted me and took both dogs. Thank you for this service, Rescue Me! My sister died and we didn't know what to do with her dogs.

Sender: Cynthia Figueroa     Date: April 28, 2016 _
     Thank you so much, to Rescue Me! My peppy little Oreo had a long list of fantastic folks asking about him, I couldn't even keep up with all of the emails! I am thrilled to say that he has been placed with in a loving home and best of all, he has an adorable Shih tzu playmate! I am so happy knowing his days will be full of play and companionship.

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue

Sender: Rolanda Gaskin     Date: April 24, 2016 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me. Louie was adopted this weekend by a wonderful family! My heart was sad to see him go, but I do believe they will love him so much. He really took to them better than we expected. We love you, Lou Lou, forever.

Sender: Carol Fields     Date: March 21, 2016 _
     Miss Chloe has a new forever home and wonderful owner. I am so thankful for Rescue Me. My father passed away and he had three Shih-Tzus. I already had two of my own. I couldn't keep them all and I was heart broken about trying to find a home for her. This site made it so easy and I really feel that people that responded are all animal lovers. Thank you for this site and may it continue to save many animals.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Jennifer Endsley     Date: March 4, 2016 _
     Thanks so much, Rescue Me. They all got good homes!

Sender: Debbie Tomiko     Date: February 21, 2016 _
     I found an awesome family to adopt my precious, Dutchess. I miss her so much, but she at least has a family that is going to be home around her all the time. She is a wonderful, loving girl. We plan on keeping in touch! Thank you to Rescue Me too!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue

Sender: Diana Sasse     Date: February 18, 2016 _
     I had such a positive experience with your website that I wanted to write and thank you for the valuable service you provide for animals and their people. I first became aware of a Shih Tzu in my neighborhood about a month ago. I could hear it barking fit fully every evening, and it would continue into the night. Finally, I walked down the hill to investigate. The backyard where the sound was coming from being pitch black; I knocked on the front door. My neighbor told me that the dog had been left there by his niece, who didn't want her. The dog was four months old, and barked because they didn't let her inside. After meeting the dog, I asked if he would be willing to let me find her a home, and he readily agreed. I found your website that night and posted the puppy and her situation immediately, expecting a fairly drawn-out process. However, I was thrilled with the immediate response I received. The next day I was swamped with calls and emails from people across the country who were interested in adopting this lonely puppy. It was fantastic! Over the next 12 hours, I met many kind folks - animal people are the best - and through Rescue Me, was able to find this dog a wonderful, loving home in my area, all within 24 hours of the initial post! Your volunteers were great at communication and support, and I want to thank you all very, very much!

Sender: Samarion Marshall     Date: February 6, 2016 _
     Thank you so very much for this website!!! After having my baby boy, it was extremely difficult to continue providing care for Bailey. I struggled with using a shelter to find him a home. I'm so glad I didn't give up on finding a family to make the transition easy. Rescue Me allowed me to locate Bailey a new home within HOURS close to my location. His new family is GREAT, and I know they'll be lifelong friends of my family. I truly feel blessed to know great people like his adopted family still exist in this crazy world we live in. I will recommend your services to more people who cross my path and need assistance with their furry animals. God Bless and thanks again!!!

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue

Sender: Adrienne Morgenroth     Date: December 30, 2015 _
     Yippee! I found the perfect home for Pokey. His new owner is just as crazy about him as I was. Now he has a companion dog to play with, a nice big yard to play in and a loving environment that he will flourish in. Thank you, Rescue Me.

Sender: Gary Miranda     Date: December 23, 2015 _
     Rescue Me was an amazing experience. The adopter contacted me within 24 hours showing interest and even lived within two blocks of us. They were a great family and have taken Beardsley home!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Diane Murphyy     Date: November 24, 2015 _
     I posted a dog found on Rescue Me. She was in decent shape, but older and needed some medical care. She was very, very sweet. I tried to find her owners to no avail. No chip, no collar, no tags and no signs of someone looking for her. I posted her here and was quickly contacted by a very nice lady who was looking for a dog just like her. Within a day, we met for a meet and greet. She seems like a very responsible pet owner. This little dog left my house today in her new leash, harness and seat belt to go to her new home with her new found brother. It all worked out for the best. I know this little one is in good hands.

Sender: Valerie Davis     Date: November 15, 2015 _
     Izzy was adopted. I am sure she is going to have a great home. I LOVE this Rescue Me site. Thank you for all your help in getting Izzy adopted.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue

Sender: Gail Davis     Date: November 7, 2015 _
     Excellent people all caring and looking for a family pet. Many choices but only one Bella. We did the home visit which was important to us to find the perfect fit. The people were completely understanding that we loved our pet, but needed her to go with another family. She was adopted by a lovely couple within a week. They also offered to send updates and email pictures, which makes the transition easier for my daughter. Thank you, Rescue Me.

Sender: Kim Ovard     Date: November 2, 2015 _
     I just found Rescue Me, and I am amazed at how fast, from posting Mr. Wiggles to hours later his new family adopted him!! I have Tugg's Pink House of Wuff, we appear at comic-con's with Tugg's comic book, have been on Rachael Ray's TV show, and now also run an adoption center Animal Hope Pet Adoptions. We will be posting our kids here and telling the world about all the good things y'all do. Thank you Rescue Me!!

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue

Sender: Teri Scherer     Date: November 1, 2015 _
     Hyde and I were so happy to find him a new family. Rescue Me really is a great site to connect with people looking to find the best home for a dog. Thank you for making this a really great experience.

Sender: Steve Lynch     Date: October 30, 2015 _
     Romeo's foster parents were so loving and caring about Romeo finding just the right home. They were patient with my questions and concerns, and I felt well prepared to care for this happy, little guy. He's been my constant companion for less than a week, and I can't imagine life without him. We are a good pair and really enjoy watching football together! Thank you, Rescue Me.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Cassidy Berry     Date: October 28, 2015 _
     My experience on Rescue Me was amazing. The woman has been so amazing and so willing to help me get my Shih Tzu Maltese Mix. I felt completely comfortable asking questions and asking for help. I will pass on the word about this web site to anyone looking for a rescue dog. Thank you so much!

Sender: Heather Pion     Date: October 24, 2015 _
     I am so happy to announce that little Ms. Kurtsie found a new home with a special needs child and stay at home mom. Thank you so much for offering your interests, compassion and rehoming opportunities. I've been rehoming stray and abandoned pets for years, and Rescue Me certainly makes that passion a little easier to see through. Thanks Rescue Me!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue

Sender: Becky Emerick     Date: October 24, 2015 _
     Our little Charlie was just adopted by a super loving family. It couldn't have been an easier process. Thank you, Rescue Me, for making this available!

Sender: Margaret Causey     Date: October 22, 2015 _
     We are thrilled to have Molly as part of our family. She is such a good Shih Tzu and learning her new surroundings. We had been looking for several months when Molly appeared on Rescue Me and I knew she would be the dog for me. She is learning the neighborhood on our daily walks and have taken her to meet her Golden Retriever cousins. She enjoyed playing with them. There is nothing more rewarding than rescuing a dog that faces an unknown future. We thank the owner and the good friend who made this all possible for Molly and us.

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue

Sender: Amber Gent     Date: October 14, 2015 _
     Amazing experience! I needed my dog adopted asap and only to the perfect couple. Within less than an hour, I got a call and told them ALL about my dog, faults and all. They were not deterred and explained they intended to use a trainer and obedience school. They came and met him the next day and it was a perfect match!!!!! I know he's in a wonderful home instead of a shelter! Nothing can beat the feeling of knowing where your dog is going and that he will be okay, happy, and loved!! Thank you, Rescue Me.

Sender: Kathy Sins     Date: October 11, 2015 _
     Thank you so much for Rescue Me! My nine year old Lhasa/Schnauzer mix, Grayson, just lost his best Shihtzu buddy to cancer two weeks ago, and it has been a very sad time for both of us. When I was told that Grayson howled all day while I was at work I knew that he needed a canine buddy sooner rather than later. He has never been alone before. We found several good candidates on Rescue Me and we went to meet them at a small shelter. Grayson seemed to get along best with Hershey, so after several visits he came home with us. So far things are going well. Hopefully we will train Hershey to become a pet therapy visitation dog at nursing homes, which is what Grayson and his buddy did together for years. Rescue Me made the search so much easier.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Cheryl Fenton     Date: October 3, 2015 _
     This was the most awesome experience. Chester found a wonderful home because of Rescue Me. I received a lot of emails regarding Chester, but I set up a meeting today and it was love at first sight. Thanks again for all you do for the animals!!

Sender: Trudy Breslerman     Date: October 1, 2015 _
     I was lucky enough to adopt Cubby and he is now the loves of our lives. He's still a little shy and my other little Shih Tzu is trying to make friends with him, but at the moment, he's playing hard to get. He is attached to me at the hip and I love it. He looks very much like my 16 year Shih Tzu that I unfortunately lost this summer. He is a blessing. Thank you, Rescue Me.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue

Sender: Cyndi Burress     Date: September 10, 2015 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me. Gracie, a Shitzu mix was adopted by a lovely lady. It was love at first sight. Gracie is very shy and is intimidated. For this reason she had a couple of failed fosters. Her new mom is retired, and Gracie will be the only fur baby. She has a fenced yard and is putting in a doggy door. She has a car seat for safe travel. Gracie is learning to enjoy her new mom and home. She will be greatly missed by her foster mom and other fur baby friends. Love you Gracie. God bless you and your new mom.

Sender: Marcy Maney     Date: August 25, 2015 _
     My son was driving a country road where we live, and found this cute, little, neglected Shih Tzu male. He brought him home, and after a week in our unused dog pen, (I hadn't known what to do to find him a home), my neighbor suggested Rescue Me. Within less than a day, I found him an awesome home. These people really love this breed, and had lost their beloved male a couple of weeks before due to illness. What an answer to prayers! Thank you so much for the work you do!!

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue

Sender: Lisa Napier     Date: August 25, 2015 _
     Charlie was actually reunited with his original family who owned him after being lost for two years. The family was elated to have him back. It's a very long story but being on the site helped him be found. Rescue Me has helped me with many dogs over the years. I will continue to use their site to get dogs adopted!

Sender: Alma Harper     Date: August 18, 2015 _
     My friends (we are all senior citizens) wanted a little girl doggie for a companion to their little poodle, a rescue dog.. I have been looking for over a year for a dog for them. We saw one last week and when I called she was adopted that day. My friend said it doesn't have to be a poodle it can be a Shih-Tzu. I came back to Rescue Me and little Missy's picture said I'm waiting for you. I sent her picture to my friends and they said, 'yes make it happen.' I got in touch with the owner and she is wonderful, pleasant and loving lady. We met and Missy is awesome, she settled right in. We can't find a thing wrong with her. She is well behaved, housebroken, loves to play... A little loveable doll baby. She is definitely a diamond. She will never want for anything.. Both dogs are getting along, and are loving to each other. Barbara, the owner, was wonderful to work with.. Thank you Barbara.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Patti Morris     Date: August 11, 2015 _
     Have you ever heard of fate? Well, that is exactly what happened, fate. This senior was on the EU list. The owner dumped him, and he was about to be put down. He is eight to ten years old. Holly, a friend and fellow rescue person, told me about him and asked if I knew anyone wanting to adopt him. I said let me see what I can do. Time was running out and the transport was leaving at 6:00 AM. Before I went to bed, I looked and there it was, my answer to save this dog. Lynn said I have been looking for a senior Shih Tzu. Her dog is now 13 years old and going blind, and needs a buddy. I called her, and it is a PERFECT MATCH! The funny part is she had never before been on the Rescue Me site, and she did not know what drew her to it. As soon as she saw him, she said that is the dog I want. The next funny part is the transport driver was to leave at 6:00 AM, but her phone went black and she did not wake up in time. She called everyone to make sure she did not leave, because she had to go buy a new cell phone. Because of that, she picked up the Shih Tzu, and he is now headed on the transport to his new forever home. God is good. He had a plan for this dog and Lynn was it! The broken phone played a part in saving this little Shih Tzu's life. I love happy endings!

Sender: Ida Akers     Date: August 6, 2015 _
     Jack found a wonderful home with a gentleman that adores him. I think this adoption was a good fit and Jack gained a sister. Thanks, Rescue Me.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue

Sender: Pattie Doherty     Date: July 22, 2015 _
     We found the perfect family through our post on Rescue Me! Thank you all!

Sender: Sherry Lee     Date: July 19, 2015 _
     She found a great home. They love her! I had great feedback about her. Another wonderful success story. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue

Sender: Mario Falu     Date: July 12, 2015 _
     I was more than anal about who was going to adopt my Jojo. I have had her all her life and we had been through some things together. Rescue Me was the perfect site for me to put her on as I was able to find out a lot about potential adopters via email and phone calls that were coming in in abundance to adopt her. I finally set in with an older couple. It was a great fit. Thank you Rescue Me for making this possible. I miss her like the dickens, but it was better that she goes with a loving family that would give her a stable environment to grow up in.

Sender: Mario Falu     Date: July 11, 2015 _
     I posted little Booker on Rescue Me and a week later he was adopted by a very nice couple. The experience was incredibly stress free and I felt great about letting Booker go to his new home to make another family happy. Don't get me wrong, I started receiving requests for Booker no more than two hours after posting his pic, but I had to know for sure that he was going somewhere great. I had the opportunity to basically grill those wanting information about him and until I was comfortable with what they had to say about my puppy's future, I wasn't having it. Great site!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Patti Morris     Date: July 9, 2015 _
     Brandy was rescued from the floods. They were putting dogs down as fast as they came in, so I decided to help, She had so many replies for adoption that it simply made it hard to make the right choice. But I held back and waited for that right one for her personality and it worked because Barb came with her friend and she loved her. She said she just made her day, as her dog and husband had just passed away and she so needed a new buddy to be with her lonely days, So happily they both are now, thanks you, Rescue Me, for this great site that helps find the dogs in need great forever homes.

Sender: Sonia Heathman     Date: May 29, 2015 _
     Pepper was adopted, less than 24 hours of being posted on the site, by a lovely retired couple out. She was a little timid at first, but after a couple of treats she bonded well with her new family. I know she will enjoy her new home and Rescue Me helped to make the process a smooth one. Thank you so much, Rescue Me!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Shih Tzu Rescue

Sender: Jason Coleman     Date: May 12, 2015 _
     Less than a day after posting, we found a great home for Dakota. Thanks, Rescue Me!

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